
Citizens of rome lend me your ears
Citizens of rome lend me your ears

He believes in a 'New Republic' – what I see, if I look down the road he wishes to take you, is something much worse. He advocates new chances, new life – I see only death. This man calls for revolution – I see chaos. But what happens when such powers fall into the wrong hands – when they are used by a man who has lost his mind? An office for the People, so that he who held it, could use its rights to carry their will. An office that held much power and therefore meant a huge responsibility. “Only fifteen years after this great Republic was formed, a new office was set up. It is not the People of Rome who have gone mad, who have thrown away all that had worked well for centuries, swept away law and wished for the death of brothers. I cannot see civilization! Are we truly so barbaric? To curse and burn and kill ourselves? I feel shocked, appalled, disgusted. We were wiser, we were stronger, we were greater! And why the past tense? We ARE all of these and more! And yet, as I look at you, I cannot see all this. How did we achieve that? We – and that means all of us: every one of you, every one of us – were greater than our enemies. Rome is – we are – the greatest civilization the world has ever seen! We are the centre of everything the gods have crafted! Our realms reach from the West to East and we are powerful. Your voice – I look at you, People of Rome, for your mind is healthy and is not maddened by ambition and greed. I implore you, see reason! I do not look at the man who was A relative silence fell as the mob looked at him – and several senators who followed him there. He strode up the Rostra calmly and looked at the crowd gathered below seriously. It wasn't tainted by anger or any emotion. Rufus' voice rang across the Forum clearly. Ooc: Oh come on, I bet he went to talk to the people in a toga dripping with blood. He stepped down from the stage, and bought some fruit from a merchant. I thank you for your time, and may the Gods spread their blessings among you." Do not replace the democracy we have with a dictatorship. Do not let the Republic to fall to a man of this poor mind. You will simply be a tool to getting there. He does not fight for you, he fights for himself and his own ambition. I have heard him say this with my own ears.

citizens of rome lend me your ears

Tribe Gallus tells you all about how he fights for you. The Senate knows you have elected a less than pitiful Tribune to speak for you in the Senate. The Senate knows you are not stupid to do this. The Tribune Gallus will try to rally you to arms to do his bidding. The man who at this very moment plans an attempt to overthrow the Senate, who have protected these lands, and protected you. Tribune Gallus has gone so mad you would laugh at the sight of him. Olim certe vos omnes eum amaverunt, non sine causa: quae causa vos a lugendo ei abstinet? O arbitrium! Tu ad bestias brutas, et viri eorum mentes amiserunt… Mihi ignoscite cor meum in sarcophago cum Caesare est, et consistere debeo dum ad me redit.Sennius stood in center stage, and spoke with a smile Non causa abrenuntiandis ea quae Brutus dixit dico, sed ibi est causa dicendis de quibus scio. Certe in Lupercale ei coronam regiam tripliciter obtuli, quam tripliciter abnuit: hicne ambitio erat? Tamen Brutus ambitiosum eum esse et, certe, hic decorus est.


My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar,Īnd I must pause till it come back to me.Īmici, Romani, cives, date aures vestras mihi sepultum neque laudatum venio mala quae viri vitas suas faciant post eos vivent, saepe bona cum ossuibus eorum sepelintur, esto Caesari… Brutus nobilis vobis Caesarem ambitiosum esse dixit, si ita esset, vitium saevum esset, saeve Caesar respondit… hic, situs a Bruto ceterisque (nam Brutus decorus itaque omnes ei omnes decori) dictum pro Caesaris sepulture… amicus meus, mihi fidelis iustusque erat: sed Brutus eum ambitiosum dicit et Brutus decorus… Obsides multos domum Romam tulit, cuius lytri arcas publicas implevit: Caesarne hoc ambitiosus visus est? Cum pauperes fleverunt, Caesar flevit: ambitio rerum duriorum esset: tamen Brutus ambitiosum eum esse et Brutus decorus. O judgement! thou art fled to brutish beasts,Īnd men have lost their reason….

citizens of rome lend me your ears

What cause withholds you then to mourn for him? You all did love him once, not without cause: I speak not to disprove what Brutus spoke, Which he did thrice refuse: was this ambition? When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept:Īmbition should be made of sterner stuff: Whose ransoms did the general coffers fill: He hath brought many captives home to Rome,

citizens of rome lend me your ears

He was my friend, faithful and just to me: Here, under leave of Brutus and the rest, So let it be with Caesar … The noble Brutus The good is oft interred with their bones, I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him I think I got most of it right but there are a few things I'm not sure about. I tried to translate the "Friends, Romans, countrymen" speech from Julius Caesar.

Citizens of rome lend me your ears